
Nature-themed video highlighting the importance of discovering and upholding your roots, building yourself up to carry the weight of the family name, and appreciating where you’re from. No direct storyline, per-say but more of an aesthetic display of me learning about my family, taking pride of where I’m from, and using my house like I do. Will be performance heavy, and include drone elements, slow-motion close-ups, and extensive B-Roll. You’re more than welcome to add ideas. This will be a collaboration, and I’ll be able to direct you day-of on all the following shots: we should be able to get all this done in 8-hours.


By Connor x Colin  | One Day Shoot

Date: TBD

Locations (In Order)

1.     Connor’s House – 7 Grove Street, Norfolk, MA

2.     Norfolk Center – I’ll know specifics

3.     Gillette Stadium

4. Colin’s house (for Green Screen)

Connor’s House Performances: 7 Grove Street, Norfolk, MA

1.     Rooftop Scene w/ drone and close up camera

2.     Verse in the kitchen + going through a family photos

3.     Walking through the woods

4.     Sitting by the brook

5.     From the porch

6.     Whatever else we think of that’s creative & looks cool

Connor’s House Scenes: Capture the essence of the estate, inside and out

1.     Working on my car + cleaning my car

2.     Working out on the punching bag, shadowboxing jumping rope, running suicides – verses in the midst of this as well

3.     Shoveling snow (if doable)

4.     Chopping and hauling wood

5.     Shaving + making a smoothie

6.     Making a beat in my studio + writing + recording

7.     Me face-timing people from the studio

8. Extensive slow-motion B-Roll of family photos + artwork

9.     B-Roll of nature elements, trees, ice, etc.

10. Scene of me playing the guitar solo outside in the driveway (not live audio)

11.   Jogging from the driveway of my house, to the nearby hill: drone capture + camera shots

Norfolk Center

1.     Performance in the center of town’s hub + drone shots capturing the town (make sure we’re allowed to use the drone

2.     Performance on top of the stone wall in the center of town

3.     Car Performances: In front of the car, out the window, and out the door: this will be at a lot in the center of town near an American flag

4.     B-Roll of my town: getting gas, getting a coffee at Dunkin Donuts, the prison, the train station, etc.

Gillette Stadium

1. Performance at Gillette Stadium: on the stairwell, balcony outside the stadium, ground level, and anywhere that looks cool (can’t use drown at the stadium)

Colin’s House

  • Green Screen Shots: Performance and B-Roll, in highest FPS possible (120)

Additional Notes

·      Take any and all B-Roll that looks interesting, most in slow motion

·      I’ll have a speaker on hand for performances

·      Let’s have someone there taking photos during the process

·      Make sure you have either a gimble or steady cam for performances

·      I”ll be the only one in the video (as of now)

·      I’ll be taking the first stab at editing, and will pay you for the shoot-time

·      I typically like shooting in 24-fps for all performances

. Let me know if you need initial transportation from your house to mine

. I’ll have a 2 TB hard-drive with me for grabbing the footage from you at the end of the day


Family over everything 💯. Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll 📲 Connect: | @connortkcassidy 💯 Become a Fan: 🐺 Follow: 👁️ Explore: 💰 Buy Beats (Before I Use Them): All Inquiries: Written & Performed by Connor Cassidy | @connortkcassidy Featuring Kyle Bent | @IamKyleBent Produced by SoSpecial Beats | Recorded at The Record Co. (Boston, MA) | Mixed & Mastered by Jonah Garcia | @jonahjeejee Engineered at The Mix Loft | @themixloftstudio



Performance shots at my house, the forest surrounding it, a local farm, a wheat-field, and out my car window at night. Shots of me looking over old family photos while rapping the verse, walking through nature, and out the window of a car. We could get creative using my house.


Slow motion B-Roll of old family photos, vivid nature elements, people close ups, and drone shots overlooking suburban & nature scapes.

other scenes

Other concepts to incorporate: chopping and stacking wood, shoveling snow, performing with smoke (I have smoke-bombs), blending my body with B-Roll, and having the video end with a real-audio guitar solo of me playing over the song, outside.

video references


Dig the sunset aesthetic, as well as the photo-album B-roll with the concept of him going through old photos, and the compilation of other people just smiling and staring into the camera. I’d have to find people for this.

Dig the simplistic style/nature scenery, B-roll, performance style, and overall vibe of being off the grid but at home.

This will be the effect I use the green-screen for: combining B-roll footage and performance shots.

OTHER inspiration

Dig the way of making him just wandering in nature look legendary, especially the reverse effect of the waves, and the dark vibe

Dig the verse shots of the car and just Jay in the dark going through the verses

Dig the outside, wheat-field, bare-bones vibe, and the church and dog elements

The transitions, gliding shots, and dark-vibe of the video speak to me. Although the song’s about Family, it has a dark, aggressive vibe that matches this video. Would be great to include fire and/or smoke bombs, for effects

Really dig the blending of old family photos and the performance. We’d need a green screen for this.

The slow-motion white-screen blending is epic in this video. Would like to do something similar, in the same fashion: blending it throughout the video at different points, putting B-roll elements of nature inside my body