


General Idea

  • Create a powerful lyric video that uses the following symbolism & fits well with the digital theme we’ve been pursuing thus-far in the others. This is probably the most directly political, controversial song I’ve released: I didn’t hold much back. Therefor, let your passion guide your creative process - this is a historical moment. Goal is to raise money for The Black Lives Matter Movement & spread awareness of the situation, while giving the symbolism of the song a strong visual. The themes below are a guide, but don’t feel the need to satisfy all of them - I’ve included everything that could potentially work.

    • America, Democracy, Founding Fathers, History, Presidential Symbols, Law-Books, Trump, Obama, $, Power

    • The prison industrial complex, un-ethical arrests, protests/signs, police, military actions, news outlets, etc.

    • Peaceful efforts of resisting oppression, stores being boarded up, face masks, civil rights books, etc.

    • Global warming, the virus, natural elements, etc.

    • People rising up & being heard, meditation, spirituality, etc.

    • Anything else you feel really articulates the message of the song

  • Other Notes

    • I’ve linked a video reference below that I was inspired by

    • Don’t make it too heavily political & focused on Trump or Obama, but include them in some fashion

    • Don’t put “Follow @connortkcassidy” in this one - Outro text is on the lyrics sheet

  • Deadline - As soon as possible

God speed 💯