
  • I want this to be something you really want to shoot: perhaps a concept or series of effects you’ve been searching to create as a film maker. In my view, this is my strongest song to date

  • Budget of $3,250 but would ideally like to stay below this


  • Simulation: Being plugged into a supercomputer & inserted in a simulation world (like the Matrix)

  • Memory/Tenet: Reversal of time (like Tenet): moving backwards & forwards through memories - time is in flux

  • Relationship: duality of me + a girl in competition with one another: continuation of Agency but with a trained actor

  • Road: symbolism of a never-ending or circular road: re-living the same memories over & over again

  • Dance: choreographed street dancers to perform for camera in sync with song: free form & possibly pole dancing

  • Dark/City Like: stylistically a sequel to City Lights: intertwining shots in the city, specifically the concept of an interconnected grid of roads & me on a rooftop overlooking the city in full scope

Initial Idea

  1. Lab Setting: Starts with me and the girl in a laboratory environment where we’re seated back to back & plugged into a supercomputer by scientists. The computer transports us into different simulations that the scientists choose, as if we’re in a video game. In these simulations/places, we compete against each other in forms

  2. Simulations (various options - we wouldn’t shoot this many)

    1. Car-racing: me in a black Tesla, her in a white Tesla

    2. Running: us on a track racing against each other

    3. Fighting: us in a boxing ring sparring

    4. Fighting 2.0: us on a rooftop fighting (with knives)

    5. Shooting: Us at a gun range

    6. Paintball: 1 vs. 1 paintball sequence

    7. Swimming: us in pool lanes + open ocean

    8. Fencing: fencing against one another

  3. Dance: Intertwining Performance & Dance Sequences

    1. Rooftop: performance of me with Boston in backdrop

    2. Car-green-screen: me & her in a drop top, or a green screen concept with a car

    3. Dance Sequence: 2 dancers, one guy and one girl, dressed in black & white doing a choreographed dance that mirrors our relationship as we go through the competition sequences

Alternative IdeaS/Directions

  1. Me being controlled by a girl who’s implanted a chip into my head, and can control my actions

  2. Me & a team going back in time to intercept important historic events: such as forcing the cop at gun point to get off of George Floyd’s neck, keeping Kobe Bryant from getting on his helicopter, etc.

Memory Lane Cover Art.jpg
