

  • Based off the movie “Shooter” - I’m a hired assassin/sniper that’s commissioned to kill a target (the regular version of myself) as he’s wrapping up an at-home garage performance of the song (Out of Touch)

  • The video follows the intertwining stories of 2 characters, both played by me. One is the real me (a musician) at his house putting together the song & performing it in a one take to the camera, while the other is an assassin hired to kill me

  • Shot list

    • All shots are handheld unless otherwise indicated

    • Shots are in order of sequence

    • Connor will direct the shoot as we go along

    • Slow motion is indicated by SM*

    • They’ll creatively be room to change/refine these shots as we go

    • All shots are horizontal: landscape view (like an iPhone)

  • Questions

    • Can you send me photos of the prospects for the video?

    • Can we get the BMW/or a car like it?

    • When are you available for a mid-day shoot? Likely 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    • What gear do you have?

    • What gear do you think you need?


Assassin’s POV

  1. Car Exchange - Connor pulls into the Gulf gas station in a BMW, starts to fill the car with gas, and goes into the store. Another man pulls up in a Subaru Impreza to get gas. He puts the gas meter in his tank, and goes into the service store as well. Connor comes out, and get’s in the other mans car like it’s his own, to find a cellphone, waiting for him on the seat & the keys in the ignition.

    1. Location: 20 Washington St, Foxborough, MA 02035

      1. Shots

        1. From next to gas meter, tracking Connor’s (BMW) from the front as he pulls in

        2. From side of gas-tank handle: close on up on Connors hand, then panning up to his face putting the pump in

        3. From behind & standing still: tracking Connor as he walks in the store

        4. From in front of BMW: tracking strangers Subaru from the front as it pulls in to the station

        5. From other side of gas-meter: close up on strangers hand, then panning up to his face, as he looks around

        6. From back of stranger: he walks into the store, and three seconds after Connor walks out of the store, facing camera

        7. From front of Subaru: camera tracks Connor as he puts the pump in & get’s in the car

        8. From inside backseat of Subaru: Connor gets in car, takes a sip of a new Dunkin' iced coffee left there, & picks up a cellphone left on the seat, where “James Barham” is calling. Camera stays on Connor, then focus changes to track the stranger out the front window as he gets into the BMW in front of him. Camera stays in position as Connor pulls car out of the gas station

        9. From behind Subaru: Subaru pulls out of gas station

        10. From in front of BMW, stranger looks briefly at Connor leaving & gets into the BMW

        11. From shotgun seat: close up performance of the song as Connor rides down the highway

  2. Backstreet Pullover/Gear Check - Connor pulls the car over in a backstreet area where nobody’s around. He pop’s the trunk of the car, and finds a rifle, a new black/cammo outfit a stack of cash (all hundreds), mask (horror mask), alcohol bottle, binoculars, small towel, pictures of the target (the musician version of myself,), a fake driver’s license, & matches

    1. Location: 1 Wrights Farm Rd Norfolk, Massachusetts

      1. DRONE shot from over on the same road as the car pulls into the wooded area (James operates drone)

      2. From behind car as it pulls over to roadside

      3. SM* From outside drivers door as Connor gets out

      4. SM* From camera inside trunk, lookup up, as Connor pops trunk

      5. SM* From POV looking inside trunk, taking time to scan & focus on each object in the trunk

      6. From side of car: Connor changes into the new clothes for the mission

      7. From side of car: performance directly into camera

      8. From wooded path near the car: performance directly into camera

      9. From shotgun: Connor re-enters car, puts mask on, and pulls out onto main road

  3. Connor arrivse at the long drive-way of his own house & I parks at the top of the road, gets out, puts mask on, and takes the rifle into the woods to find a good position to scope out the target. Performance of the song via handheld as I’m going through the woods. I get into a laying down sniper position, and look through the scope. Just then, the target walks out of the garage with his guitar/amp in hand, and begins walking toward the house. I shoot him in the back of the head, and the target is seen lying face-down on the pavement. I go back to the car, and pull out of the drive-way, still with my mask on

    1. Location: 7 Grove Street, Norfolk, MA

      1. DRONE (2x) from in front & in back of car as it drives up Connor’s long driveway

      2. From back of car, as Connor retrieves rifle from the trunk

      3. From side, moving, as Connor goes into the woods to get a position on the target

      4. SM* From front, as Connor lays down & sets up scope

      5. SM* From side, as Connor looks into scope. Camera pans to the trigger as Connor’s about to take the shot, and shots fired

      6. From behind & following Connor moving swiftly out of woods and getting back in the car

      7. From behind car: car takes off

  4. Pull Over Two - I pull over to the same back-road to clean the gun with alcohol, take a call, submerge the cell-phone in water, & burn the pictures of the victim

    1. Location: Empty parking lot next to 5 Liberty Ln, Norfolk, MA

      1. DRONE from back of car, nearly level with it, tracking it as it moves into parking lot

      2. DRONE from front of car, rising directly upwards as it enters the parking lot

      3. From front side door, Connor quickly, with urgency, gets out of the car, and goes to the trunk to wipe off the gun, change clothes to his original outfit, take a call, submerge the cell-phone in water, burn the pictures, and & take a breather

      4. Performance here & next to the train tracks in the woods

  5. Return Switch - Connor pulls back into to the same gas station where it started, to repeat the same sequence of switching cars. We swap cars again, and Connor check’s the glove compartment to find the 2nd half of the money. He pulls out of the gas station, and it fades out

    1. Location: 20 Washington St, Foxborough, MA 02035

      1. Shots (Same as first sequence, just reversed)

        1. From next to gas meter, tracking Connor’s (Subaru) from the front as he pulls in

        2. From side of gas-tank handle: close on up on Connors hand, then panning up to his face putting the pump in

        3. From behind & standing still: tracking Connor as he walks in the store

        4. From in front of BMW: tracking strangers BMW from the front as it pulls in to the station

        5. From other side of gas-meter: close up on strangers hand, then panning up to his face, as he looks around

        6. From back of stranger: he walks into the store, and three seconds after Connor walks out of the store, facing camera

        7. From front of BMW: camera tracks Connor as he puts the pump in & get’s in the car

        8. From inside backseat of BMW: Connor gets in car, takes a sip of a new Dunkin' iced coffee left there, & picks up a cellphone left on the seat. Camera stays on Connor, then focus changes to track the stranger out the back window as he gets into the Subaru behind him & briefly looks his way. Camera stays in position as Connor pulls car out of the gas station.

        9. From behind BMW: Connor pulls out of gas station

        10. From in front of BMW, stranger looks briefly at Connor leaving & gets into the Subaru

        11. From shotgun seat: close up performance of the song as Connor rides down the highway

      2. Location: 7 Grove St, Norfolk, MA

        1. Connor pulls BMW into the circle of the house: the body is no-where to be found, and all the musical equipment is set up like during the performance scene, except the guitar. He walks into the house, and then walks out, going towards the garage, with a guitar and amp in hand. The point is to link the 2 stories together as if it never happened, but was just paraonia

        2. SM* From front, BMW pulls into circle

        3. SM* From garage, Connor gets out of the car

        4. SM* From side, tracking Connor as he walks into house

        5. SM* from front of door, Connor goes inside, and then comes out with the guitar & amp

  6. Last scene: Musician POV - The musician version of Connor performs the song in his garage. He’s on zoom with someone who plays the piano part, someone who plays the drum machine, someone who plays trumpet, all on multiple screens, while he’s doing the vocals in a stage/arena like fashion directly into camera. Once finished with the song, he salutes the fellow musicians, logs off the screens, and walks out of the garage to be hit with a bullet from the assassin while walking back towards the house. The drone hovers above his body as fake blood flows out of it.

    1. Location: 7 Grove St, Norfolk, MA

      1. SM* From multiple angles, Connor sets up laptop session, plugs all the gear in, etc.

      2. From multiple angles (3x): performance of the full song (Connor & musicians on screen)

      3. SM* From multiple angles: Connor raps up with the other artists, unplugs the gear, and walks out of the garage

      4. From the back, halfway down the driveway: camera tracks Connor (scope of assassin will overlay this)

      5. DRONE: from right above Connors body, moving vertically towards the sky, as the blood spreads

 Locations + Gear + Props + People

  • Locations

    1. Gas station with a payphone

    2. Enclosed spot in the woods to pull over

    3. Enclosed spot in the empty parking lot

    4. My house/garage/driveway

  • People

    • James - On Camera + Drone Operation

    • Me - As assassin & musician

    • Actor - that drops the car off to me & picks it back up at the gas station. Has to be over 20 years old & look serious

  • Gear

    • Potentially, we could shoot this on an iPhone. let me know your thoughts on this… I have a gimbal for it

    • Gimble for Smooth Footage (must fit your camera & be pre-balanced)

    • Potentially a lens specifically for video that allows for focus control

    • Drone (I have one: DJI Mavic Mini) - I’ll show you how to operate it

    • Portable chargers to charge camera batteries, drone, & iPhones

    • Laptop + Hard-drive - to dump footage if cards get maxed out

  • Props (I have all of these unless mentioned)

    • Dunkin Iced Coffee (To be bought)

    • Rifle

    • Fake Money - Thick stack of 100s

    • Horror Mask

    • Bottle of unmarked alcohol

    • Small white towel

    • Gallon of Water

    • Pictures of Me

    • Matches

    • My driver’s license

    • 2 Phones (Can be ours)

    • Musical Equipment - Piano, stand, beat machine, microphone, guitar, amp, etc.

    • 2 Laptops & one iPod for musician zoom calls

    • Fake Blood

    • Subaru Impreza

    • Other Car (BMW?)


Video references