General Idea
Create a lyric video focused on summer themes, that also stylistically would fit well sitting next to the Time video: a way to do this might be to use different background/text colors, etc. Both songs, and all others in this project, are part of a Matrix-inspired album called NEO, which centers around the concept of our world being a simulation, and we’re just searching for meaning inside it
The video should capture the effort of having a fun-filled summer during the modern crisis, with a digital twist to it, such as including the glitching in the time video. There’s many ways to get creative with this, and I trust your style: for example, having footage weave in & out of television/smart phone screens as if instead of actually doing summer type things in real life, we’re just watching them
Overall, goal is just capture the high vibe of the song
Sports (Specifically Boston Sports Teams)
Beaches/Tropical Locations/Waves
Everything & anything summer related
Virus Related imagery
Deadline: Quick Turnaround
Friday, June 5th @ 3 p.m. (1 week away)
Quick Turnaround for just this one
I would need a rough draft by this Wed., June 3rd, and will give you one revision
General Idea
Song is about conformity, and how everyone tends to do the same things: live in similar looking houses, wear the same clothes, read the same news, adopt the same politics, etc. I think a newspaper/smartphone/American-patriotic video would be great for this, something that paints the picture of America being asleep at the wheel, over-political, and full of fake news that people believe
Lot of room for creativity in this, but it should mix well with the other videos (stylistically)
Very matrix-like in the sense of everyone being stuck in the same way of acting & thinking
American symbolism: the flag, the state house, etc.
Newspapers/news in general - could be a great look
Houses all looking the same, cars all looking the same, etc.
Anything else that signals conformity or people being just a “number” & afraid to be themselves
First Draft: Friday, June 12th @ 3 p.m. (First Draft)
Final: Wed. June 17th @ 3 p.m. (Final)
General Idea
A very space-oriented, meditative, night-time vibe that centers around seeking enlightenment. Much room to maneuver: I can envision it looking most similar to the Time video, by painting cosmic scenes & the intersection of advanced civilization & spirit, technology & deep meditation
Meditation, buddhism, zen, etc.
Spiritual traditions & faiths - such as churches, crosses, etc.
Space - cosmic space, stars, etc.
Fire, lightning storms, & natural elements
Any other imagery that you think matches the song well
Friday, June 19th @ 3 p.m. (first draft)
Wed. June 24th @ 3 p.m. (Final)