General Idea

  • Create a lyric video focused on summer themes, that also stylistically would fit well sitting next to the Time video: a way to do this might be to use different background/text colors, etc. Both songs, and all others in this project, are part of a Matrix-inspired album called NEO, which centers around the concept of our world being a simulation, and we’re just searching for meaning inside it

  • The video should capture the effort of having a fun-filled summer during the modern crisis, with a digital twist to it, such as including the glitching in the time video. There’s many ways to get creative with this, and I trust your style: for example, having footage weave in & out of television/smart phone screens as if instead of actually doing summer type things in real life, we’re just watching them

  • Overall, goal is just capture the high vibe of the song


  • Sports (Specifically Boston Sports Teams)

  • Beaches/Tropical Locations/Waves

  • Guitars

  • Everything & anything summer related

  • Virus Related imagery 

Deadline: Quick Turnaround

  • Friday, June 5th @ 3 p.m. (1 week away)

  • Quick Turnaround for just this one

  • I would need a rough draft by this Wed., June 3rd, and will give you one revision


General Idea

  • Song is about conformity, and how everyone tends to do the same things: live in similar looking houses, wear the same clothes, read the same news, adopt the same politics, etc. I think a newspaper/smartphone/American-patriotic video would be great for this, something that paints the picture of America being asleep at the wheel, over-political, and full of fake news that people believe

  • Lot of room for creativity in this, but it should mix well with the other videos (stylistically)

  • Very matrix-like in the sense of everyone being stuck in the same way of acting & thinking


  • Clouds/Time-lapses

  • American symbolism: the flag, the state house, etc.

  • Newspapers/news in general - could be a great look

  • Nature

  • Houses all looking the same, cars all looking the same, etc.

  • Anything else that signals conformity or people being just a “number” & afraid to be themselves


  • First Draft: Friday, June 12th @ 3 p.m. (First Draft)

  • Final: Wed. June 17th @ 3 p.m. (Final)


General Idea

  • A very space-oriented, meditative, night-time vibe that centers around seeking enlightenment. Much room to maneuver: I can envision it looking most similar to the Time video, by painting cosmic scenes & the intersection of advanced civilization & spirit, technology & deep meditation


  • Meditation, buddhism, zen, etc.

  • Spiritual traditions & faiths - such as churches, crosses, etc.

  • Space - cosmic space, stars, etc.

  • Fire, lightning storms, & natural elements

  • Any other imagery that you think matches the song well


  • Friday, June 19th @ 3 p.m. (first draft)

  • Wed. June 24th @ 3 p.m. (Final)


NEO EP Cover Art.PNG